Since we’ve started offering online preparation for the red seal electrician exam in Canada over 10 years ago, we’ve received thousands of support requests. And by far the most common question is about the process to get certified in different provinces.
As such, we’ve decided to compile a list of requirements for each Canadian province.
Typically, each province will ask you to complete a number of working hours, a few exams, and, in some cases, classes and training. This will give you either a provincial or interprovincial certification called the red seal.
Suppose the province of your apprenticeship doesn’t offer the interprovincial certification. In that case, you’ll have the option to take the red seal exam, which is based on the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) and that will allow you to work anywhere in Canada.
Below, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of the process for each province.
Apprenticeship: 3000 hours. 1560 hours in the first 3 years and 1440 hours in the 4th year
Classes: 12 weeks of classroom instruction in the fourth year.
Exam: Throughout your apprenticeship, you will need to take exams. Once you finish the apprenticeship and classes, you will have one final exam, which will make you a journeyman in Alberta and Alberta only. This certification does not allow you to work in the rest of Canada. Typically, each exam will have 100 questions, and there will be one for each of the four levels of the apprenticeship. For more information on the exam schedule and structure click here.
After completing all the above steps, you can also challenge the red seal, which will allow you to work in any Canadian province.
British Columbia
Apprenticeship: 6,000 hours of work-based training and 40 weeks of technical training over four levels.
Exam: You will have one exam per each of the 3 “levels” of the apprenticeship. These will give you a BC-specific journeyman license, which allows you to work as an electrician in British Columbia.
After taking the BC trade exam, you can challenge the red seal, to work in other provinces. This isn’t required but is recommended.
Apprenticeship: 7200 hours divided into 4 years (1800 hours per year). 10 weeks of classes per year for 4 years
Exams: The final examination gives you a provincial Certificate of Qualification. The red seal is optional.
New Brunswick
Apprenticeship: 7200 hours and around 2 months of classes per year for 4 years
Exams: One exam per year. After the final year, you receive your provincial certification and can challenge for the red seal
Newfoundland and Labrador
Apprenticeship: 7200 hours and 10 weeks of classes per year for 4 years.
Exam: 1 per year, 4 in total for provincial. Red Seal is optional.
Nova Scotia
Apprenticeship: 7200 hours through 4 years + in-class training
Exam: The red seal is compulsory in Nova Scotia. After completing your apprenticeship, you will take the red seal exam allowing you to work throughout Canada.
Apprenticeship: 9,000 hours (approximately five years), which consists of 8,160 hours of on-the-job work experience and 840 hours of in-school training
Exam: In Ontario, you will receive a Certificate of Qualification with the red seal. Therefore, you only need to do one exam to get your provincial and interprovincial red seal license.
Prince Edward Island
Apprenticeship: 7200 hours
Exam: The red seal is mandatory. The exam and certification for PEI is the red seal.
Apprenticeship: 8000 hours required, divided into 4 years, 2000 hours per year.
Exam: Quebec have a provincial certification exam which consists of 60 questions and takes 3 hours to complete. The exam covers 4 sections:
1 – Planning electrical work (22%)
2 – Installing electrical equipment (24%)
3 – Connecting equipment and systems (25%)
4 – Creating branch circuit systems (29%)
Red seal is not compulsory, you can take it after the provincial exam.
Apprenticeship: 7200 hours divided into 4 years
Classes: 8 weeks per year for 4 years, delivered at the Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Moose Jaw, Regina, and Saskatoon.
Exam: Provincial exam, red seal not compulsory.